What is Mentoring?

Concept : The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines Mentor as an experienced person who advises and helps somebody with less experience over a period of time. The ancient Indian Culture has a tradition where Rishis were located in their Ashrams amidst dense forests and the Kings and Emperors used to send their young children to the Gurukuls of these Rishis. Rishi Valmiki nurtured Luv and Kush and Dronacharya nurtured Pandavs in their Ashrams.

We have heard a lot about trainers and coaches who impart necessary skills to their pupils to achieve certain short term professional goals like preparations for an entrance examination in a university or aiming for a medal in Olympics or Commonwealth Games. All such activities are formal, professional and target-oriented.

Mentor is relatively a new entity in India. It has yet to be visible in the national mainstream and societal network. A Mentor is a philosopher-guide-thinker-lighthouse for a person. And Mentoring is a transformational initiative wherein the Mentor engages the Mentoree through a personal bond of human relationship ,trust, concern and empathy . The Mentor is a good listener , understands the inner core emotions, stimulates creativity and quest of the Mentoree. The relationship between a Mentor and a Mentoree is informal , personal and touch the chord .The Mentor works on the Mentoree to generate self-confidence , self-consciousnessand self-awareness in him. Mentor is able to weave a safety net around Mentoree while, at the same time, allowing and encouraging him to spread his wings and fly.

Mentors are people who are senior , experienced and more qualified than you who like to spend time with younger persons like you who are looking for Enhancement of Human Capabilities through connectivity with your Mentor . Here you’ll get a chance to try fun things, learn new skills, and have another person in your life that likes you just the way you are, a person you can turn to when you need support and comfort.

Because every person is different, here enters the Mentor in your Life.


Here you have a friend. Like any friendship, mentors and mentees do fun things together. They also teach each other, help each other, and are honest with each other. And sometimes they might want to have conversations about things that make them feel worried or upset.


Mentors try to set a good example for how to live. Mentors are not perfect
people. As your Mentor , I will do my best to share with you what you are good at, and what you should be and what you can be . You will remain honest about your mistakes you have made or things you are not good at doing.

Mentor is your listener you can trust. You may say things to your Mentor that you don’t feel comfortable saying to anyone else. Sometimes you may tell your Mentor about your hopes, dreams, or fears.

Other times you may reveal mistakes you’ve made. Mentors have your best interests in mind and try to be supportive of you, regardless of what you confide in them.
Mentor is someone who is proud of you. Your mentor is able to see all the talents you have and help you to learn and grow your Human Capabilities.

Mentor can TRANSFORM A ZERO INTO A HERO . I can help you to take actions that make a positive difference to others in your family, neighborhood, school, or community.

Objectives of Mentoring :

(A). Futuristic and Development Driven :

Mentoring aims for long term evolutionary transformation in an individual . It taps the inner strength , assesses the human capacity and interests of a person , inculcate values and ethics and enhances the performance of the Mentoree to unimaginable heights through small delta attitudinal and behavioral changes .

In short , Mentoring transforms an ordinary person into an extra-ordinary human being. Mentoring is a long-term personal relationship.

(B). Talent Retention:

In the corporate world, micro , small and medium enterprises , the retention of the experienced staff is a major challenge . According to a recent study by the Corporate Leadership Council , the Price Cooper Water-house and a Study in North America following startling facts have been mentioned ;

“In 2010, the Corporate Leadership Council of the Corporate Executive Board surveyed 880 high-potential employees. More than 25 percent said they planned to change jobs within the next 12 months. That’s potential attrition 2.5 times greater than just five years earlier. Among the dissatisfied, 64 percent said their current employment experiences are having little impact on their development.”

PwC notes in its 15th Annual Global CEO Survey a “disparity between confidence in growth and access to talent,” adding that only “30% of CEOs believe they have the talent they need.”

In an overview of its “2011/2012 Talent Management and Rewards Study, North America,” Towers Watson says, “…almost 60% of North American companies are having trouble attracting critical-skill employees, an increase over 2010.”

In India , the problem of obtaining a talented man-power in the first place and then to retain and grow the talent for retention are more serious . Hence the Mentoring Programmes are essential for the continual growth and retention of talent within an organization.

Mentoring Benefits

The mother and father jointly nurture a child . Both of them make substantial investment of their time, efforts , resources , love and affection in the child. The joint efforts of the parents bring an adult and responsible citizen in society. Likewise when you submit and commit yourself to a Mentor , you invest in your future . And when the organizations make commitment to a Mentoring Programme , the following benefits are natural. The reputed American Mentorial Company has conducted an extensive research and enumerated the following benefits of Corporate Mentoring ;

Talent Retention
Retention of capable persons strengthens the foundation of a company and form a strong spinal chord of a capable manpower who reduce cost and become more effective in the organizations. They become self-propelling . The Mentoring helps ;

• Create a more effective contributor to the company’s overall goals
• Engender a sense of loyalty in employees

Stronger Workforce
Developing a talent pool is an ongoing challenge for all companies as they strive to remain ahead of the competition and compete in a global market. Many different development strategies exist and a company that wishes to remain a player needs to incorporate a number of them to grow its talent.

Mentoring is one of the most effective strategies as a standalone program or as part of an existing workforce development program. For example, if your company is conducting formal classroom training on specific competencies, such as leadership or customer service, adding a mentoring component can translate the theoretical knowledge gained through formal training into “practical” experience. This has the benefit of creating a more completely developed employee by combining theory with practice.

Management Development
Managing employees successfully can be a daunting challenge. Having a degree or taking formal courses is good preparation for assuming a management role, but it’s not enough.

Where does a new manager go to gain from the experience and wisdom of a more seasoned manager and balance that formal book knowledge with experiential knowledge? Yes, new managers can always turn to their supervisors, but there is an inherent hesitation to do this because the new manager doesn’t want to appear “incompetent” or “weak.”

Mentoring is a strategic initiative that pairs less seasoned managers with those who can provide not only the experiential wisdom they have, but also a supportive environment whereby the less seasoned manager can share the real issues impacting success. “

Mentorial Programmes :

Mentoring for Students

Mentoring can happen in a number of ways, yet it almost always has a positive effect on the mentoree, in both psychosocial and academic ways.

WHY ?:

Most of the students find themselves directionless after their graduations from universities and colleges in almost all branches of knowledge. Be it engineering , commerce , arts and sciences ; the students are desperate to find jobs and get disappointment.

Whereas society blame the government for unemployment there most of the students are “ unemployable “ from the standpoint of the Employer. The student discovers that his university /college teachers were oblivious of the real-life world. They have been taught age-old syllabi which neither impart any skills nor any talent in their chosen area of graduation. The basic oral and written communication, listening , reading and thinking skills are completely non-existent .

A student , at times, cannot even introduce himself to his employer. Neither can he write his curriculum vitae.


We engage the graduate pass-outs in chosen disciplines and develop their talent and mental capabilities through following elements ;

  • Individual Mentoring or Group Mentoring
  • Listening Sessions and Conversation Sessions
  • Brainstorming
  • Need Assessment
  • Identification of Short-Term , Medium Term and Long Term Objectives
  • Freezing the Objectives
  • Attitudinal Transformation Techniques , Lectures and Practice Sessions
  • Workshops and Hands-on Experience
  • Work-sheets and Log Books
  • Periodical Qualitative and Quantitative Assessments

It is important that “parents and teachers should believe in mentoring and give full support by giving mentors ample time to carry out their mentoring sessions” as well as instituting “a good reporting system, which includes notes from the mentoring sessions and feedback from students and mentors, would help the mentors to gain recognition, as well as promoting review and improvement of the programme itself” Other specific guidelines for a mentor/mentoree relationship may be to require “frequent contact with their mentor [mentoree] at least on a weekly base” due to the fact that “high rates of contact between [mentoree] and mentor are important for enriching the relationship” both people involved in the mentoring relationship feels a sense of belonging and acceptance. Both of these are marks of a good mentoring relationship.

According to the famous Chinese Philosopher Tao, “the best relationship between a mentor and a mentee is like water, a natural element that ultimately changes the shape of whatever it touches. The Tao’s mentoring, therefore, changes the life of people it comes into contact with in a satisfying and positive way” When done correctly, mentoring relationships can have academic and social benefits that higher education professionals should be actively encouraging on their campuses.

Mentoring for Leadership and Team Building through Communications

In this age of Digital Technology , the tools, equipment and mode and system of communications have undergone a quantum leap in the scale and speed of communication . A person at the North Pole can talk and communicate with another person on the South Pole with the press of a button on his mobile phone. A business communication from one country to another can be transmitted alongwith documents and photographs through email in the fraction of a minute. WhatApp and a large number of Apps have changed the domain and efficiency of communication.

Whether you are an apprentice or a junior executive or a team leader or ,Top Executive ; you need to communicate , coordinate , network and generate synergy with your colleagues and peers. Only them you can generate high productivity and acceptability in an organization . More than the qualifications of a person , it is your capacity to include your colleague and seniors that will determine your worth and establish your leadership. Mahatma Gandhi was a mediocre attorney but he could establish rapport with a common man and carry the people of India with him against the British Empire with a frail body and a loin cloth.
Top Ten Communication Skills

In the fast changing world of technology , there is fierce competition amongst peers and within hierarchies. Survival of the fittest is the rule of the game. Only those can survive and can create a niche who Dare to be Different and Outstanding. Those who who dare to look at the stars yet have the sense to keep their feet on ground while walking.

1. Listening

Speaking, speaking and speaking is the most compulsive behavior of a person in this world. So much of clutter and so much of chatter . Being a good listener is one of the best ways to be a good communicator. No one likes communicating with someone who only cares about putting his viewpoint and intrude into the communication space of others .

You need to listen to comprehend and resonate with the thought process of the person on the other side of the table. Hence put an effort to develop the art of listening.

2. Nonverbal Communication

Human body is the most scientific transmission tower in the world. Your eye contact, gesticulations , intonations , postures , facial expressions ,voice pitch , tenor of speech and verbal emphasis determine the quality of your communication . It either establishes a gelling chemistry or create mental chaos . Eye contact is also important; you want to look the person in the eye to demonstrate that you are focused on the person and the conversation (however, be sure not to stare at the person, which can make him or her uncomfortable). Neo-linguistic Programming is one such communication technique which establishes empathy with the listener .

3. Clarity and Concision

Good verbal communication means saying just enough – don’t talk too much or too little. Try to convey your message in as few words as possible. Say what you want clearly and directly, whether you’re speaking to someone in person, on the phone, or via email. If you ramble on, your listener will either tune you out or will be unsure of exactly what you want. Think about what you want to say before you say it; this will help you to avoid talking excessively and/or confusing your audience.

4. Friendliness

Through a friendly tone, a personal question, or simply a smile, you will encourage your coworkers to engage in open and honest communication with you. It’s important to be nice and polite in all your workplace communications. This is important in both face-to-face and written communication. When you can, personalize your emails to coworkers and/or employees – a quick “I hope you all had a good weekend” at the start of an email can personalize a message and make the recipient feel more appreciated.

5. Confidence

It is important to be confident in your interactions with others. Confidence shows your coworkers that you believe in what you’re saying and will follow through. Exuding confidence can be as simple as making eye contact or using a firm but friendly tone. Avoid making statements sound like questions. Of course, be careful not to sound arrogant or aggressive. Be sure you are always listening to and empathizing with the other person.

6. Empathy

Even when you disagree with an employer, coworker, or employee, it is important for you to understand and respect their point of view. Using phrases as simple as “I understand where you are coming from” demonstrate that you have been listening to the other person and respect their opinions.

7. Open-Mindedness

A good communicator should enter into any conversation with a flexible, open mind. Be open to listening to and understanding the other person’s point of view, rather than simply getting your message across. By being willing to enter into a dialogue, even with people with whom you disagree, you will be able to have more honest, productive conversations.

8. Respect

People will be more open to communicating with you if you convey respect for them and their ideas. Simple actions like using a person’s name, making eye contact, and actively listening when a person speaks will make the person feel appreciated. On the phone, avoid distractions and stay focused on the conversation.

Convey respect through email by taking the time to edit your message. If you send a sloppily written, confusing email, the recipient will think you do not respect her enough to think through your communication with her.

9. Feedback

Being able to appropriately give and receive feedback is an important communication skill. Managers and supervisors should continuously look for ways to provide employees with constructive feedback, be it through email, phone calls, or weekly status updates. Giving feedback involves giving praise as well – something as simple as saying “good job” or “thanks for taking care of that” to an employee can greatly increase motivation.

Similarly, you should be able to accept and even encourage, feedback from others. Listen to the feedback you are given, ask clarifying questions if you are unsure of the issue, and make efforts to implement the feedback.

10. Picking the Right Medium

An important communication skill is to simply know what form of communication to use. For example, some serious conversations (layoffs, changes in salary, etc.) are almost always best done in person.

You should also think about the person with whom you wish to speak, if they are a very busy person (such as your boss, perhaps), you might want to convey your message through email. People will appreciate your thoughtful means of communication and will be more likely to respond positively to you.


We engage the graduate pass-outs in chosen disciplines and develop their talent and mental capabilities through following elements ;

  • Mentoring a Team of select persons ( the Host organization will choose maximum of 50 persons from within the organization )
  • Identification of the Vision of the Team
  • Brainstorming
  • Need Assessment
  • Identification of Strength, Weakness , Opportunity and Threats of the Team .
  • Establishing common denominators .
  • Establishing Unity in Diversity through Lectures and Practice Sessions.
  • Appreciation and Realization of the beauty , “ Each one of us is Brilliantly Different .”
  • Workshops and Hands-on Experience
  • Work-sheets and Log Books
  • Periodical Qualitative and Quantitative Assessments


Our Mentoring Programme to improve the Quality of your Life is the most appreciated and sought after programme. The enormous growth of technology , business and wealth in society have created a skewed state of Quality of Life. Whereas our wealth has multiplied manifold there joy and ecstacy in life have abysmally dropped down .

The fundamental reason for this state amongst we, the human-beings , is attributed to our entire effort to manage the external situations around us. Ironically where the external world continues to be as random and chaotic as ever ; there our inner-self has been completely sub-ordinated to external situations and continue to be stressed and anguished.

The core of this Mentoring Programme is to enable you to take charge of your self and access the immensity of “Being a Human. “ This programme has heavily dwelt on the philosophical tenets of Tao , Lin-Yu-Tang , Bertrand Russell and Sadhguru and have been elucidated in a simple –to- understand Mentoring Programme.

This life is a Gift to us and anything and everything we need to make this life joyous and beautiful is available to us on this planet earth “ Free – of – cost .” The paradox of a human mind resides in the fact that whatever is available “ free “ to us is taken for granted and never respected and valued by us in our whole life-time. According to Lala Hardyal , in his book on “ Hints to Self-Culture “, he writes that for our car , we ensure proper engine lubrication , tyre pressure , fuel level and regular servicing because we have paid for the car . But what about this precious human machine which has been gifted free of cost to us. Likewise Sadhguru mentions that it took millions of years for a deer to evolve into a giraffe but over an afternoon a piece of banana or a bread is converted into a human being . We are unaware of this process since it is happening unconsciously inside our body. Sadhguru saysnif we can touch and access this consciousness, we can bring a metamorphic change in the content of our joy. Sadhguru says , “ The immensity of being a human being is infinite and beyond the five senses of the man. Alas ! if we could touch our inner core of consciousness !”

The Mentoring Programme for Quality of Life is conducted in two formats ;

Format-1 The mentoring is conducted on one-to-one basis where the person can share his innermost concerns, aspirations, potentialities , his Vision of Life , existing problems , environmental factors and a Road Map can be written.

Format -2 A cohesive group of five persons ( maximum ) can constitute a group. The members of the group should be within +/- 5 years of age span . They can share all the elements impacting the Quality of their Life ( exactly as described in Format-1 ) above and can draw common denominators and a road map can be written individually by every member of the group .


  1. Understanding the Mentor and the Mentee.
  2. Brainstorming on your aggregate strengths and capacities.
  3. Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat Analysis ( SWOT Analysis )
  4. What do you want to see in your life ?
  5. Segregate the Silicon from the Sand.
  6. Setting and Listing your priorities. Set your Benchmarks and Time-Line.
  7. Pursue your passion and put passion in your actions.
  8. Managing your mind, body, emotions and energy and generating a synergy in them.
  9. Keeping your own uniqueness and perspective.
  10. Slide into oblivion , stay in a quiet place , listen to the feeble inner conscience and act accordingly.
  11. Keep a Log of the “ Change you want to see .”and Quantify success and Experience the Ecstasy.
  12. Leveraging Technology for Quality of Life.